September 25, 2021

Why isn’t it cool/popular to brag about having/owning old things?

People only tend to show off the new things they obtain – a new house, car, gadget. Why? It’s not unique, everybody does that, most of the things are mass-produced and obtained by millions. It’s easy to get new things. You just need to do what everybody does, work more. Exchange your unique lifespan for soulless things. The vast majority only wants to have more – ending up being unhappy if they can’t get what they want. Wouldn’t it be easier to just turn around and start walking the other way? To try to need fewer things? Sure you probably want now a lot of things – a new phone, clothes, car, house etc. but how much of it do you really need?

Sure, there’s a lot of ads and general forces which are trying hard to get you to want all those things because that’s how companies are making money. But it’s not an excuse until you still can make a decision in the end. It’s your choice to compel. Is it really making you happy? And if not, why don’t you try something different for once:

Next time when you post something on the Internet – instead of showing something new you got to choose the oldest thing you have – something that’s been with you for years maybe decades even. Something important for you, something which brings back memories, something you could have easily replaced but didn’t – a part of what makes you, you.

People generally like mess/chaos much more than we like the order.

If it was the other way around we’d have put much more consequences on littering/pollution and we’d have much more respect for people who are working in maintaining/restoring the order.

Differences between ‘capitalism’ and ‘communism’

people are:differentequal
There are many, but the first one is the most profound one the others derivate from it.

The best political/democracy voting systems I can think of

  1. Indirect
    • online/digital on blockchain
    • vote can be changed at any time
    • fully proportional – each representative’s vote has the power of the votes bestowed on them by the people
    • votes anonimized (optionally)
  2. Direct
    • online/digital on blockchain
    • long time to vote for each bill (weeks)

The biggest problem to solve in both is:

How to prove one’s identity (online)?

I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately, but I can’t find any good idea for a good, secure yet effortless system for proving identity. One which would allow assigning a deed to a person without any doubt.

Funnily/scarily the more I thought about it the more it became a philosophical topic rather than just a strictly technological one. Both online and offline the best one I could come up with (and the most commonly used one) is one with a shared unique secret – which is basically a password.

For example, how would you know that that the person you know the best (which isn’t you) is really them and not a clone/android?

Most likely you’d need to come up with some piece of knowledge that only you and the real person would know and a doppelganger wouldn’t. But there are huge problems with this:

  • It’s really hard to come up with something like that ad hoc – at least for me – so it would need to be something prepared a priori
  • There’s always a risk that a password/passphrase prepared a priori will leak out – making it useless
  • The memory is not something perfect, so either side can just forget what it was – making it useless

This is quite terrifying that we’re mostly relying on a system that is flawed like that.

That’s the conundrum – I’m sure beyond doubt that each and every person is unique on many levels (fingerprints, retina, heartbeat, handwriting etc.) – yet we haven’t devised any way/tool to use it effortlessly and globally to our advantage/security (and which couldn’t be stolen/forged or used against us).

I predict that someone who’ll solve this problem will at least become very famous (if not very rich).