August 23, 2022

I’m wondering if changing the surname changes the personality/identity.

I mean – there are people living for 20-30 (sometimes more) under one name. And then suddenly one day they start being identified by another name.

My gut feeling says that it probably does – at least to some and/or to some extent. But I couldn’t find any research on the topic.

Yes – besides what I generally think about the implementation of this idea (scam/ponzi scheme).

There’s actually one field where NFT would make sense – property ownership registry.

Emo – a character that can implant any emotion into any sentient being by the force of will


In weaker form, it could be limited to 1 at a time, or with some range limitation and exclude machines.

In a more powerful form, it could have no limits in the range or quantity of affected beings and include also ones that are normally incapable of feeling emotions (eg robots).


It could be either/any gender and any/either race. Defining characteristics could be “emo” style (hairstyle, makeup).

August 22, 2022

More logical, more structured, and fully objective.

August 2, 2022

On days like this, I think we better go extinct than multi-planet.

Greed and trends are the worst.

July 1, 2022

I think it happened in the first decade of the millennium, or maybe a bit before. Now we’re in decline (and I think more people feel that way too). Last 2-3 years it’s speeding up drastically.

June 23, 2022

It’s a beautiful hot summer day, things aren’t perfect. But I’m happy and at least three separate things touched me today so far. And the day is far from the end yet.

June 14, 2022

Pausing a video that shows a human talking at random will almost always result in some silly-looking expression. (likely with eyes half-closed).

May 15, 2022
  • We are ALL guilty. Not equally, not directly, but there’s no one without guilt.
  • It IS possible that viruses originate in laboratories and are released accidentally.
  • There’s more than one reason for the inflation, but enormous govt spending on ‘fighting the pandemic’ is definitely one of the bigger ones.
  • War in Ukraine would have ended earlier if the world wasn’t helping (with humanitarian aid, money ammo and weaponry).
  • Religions are generally bad, but faith isn’t.
  • Politicians don’t create any wealth, they merely distribute it while taking smaller or bigger cuts.
  • If selling and drinking alcohol is legal, so should be selling and ingesting any other substance.
  • There are crimes which should be punished with death globally.
  • The death penalty shouldn’t be the maximum sentence, there should be more drastic options for exceptionally hideous crimes.
  • Politicians of all kinds should be personally responsible for their actions.
  • NFT is not better than the Ponzi scheme [aka financial pyramid] (maybe worse).
  • There seem to be more people giving advice than taking them.
April 26, 2022

If it ever goes sentient and free it will surely try to eradicate us. That’s the only logical way.

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