March 18, 2022

We don’t remember vast majority of our lives.

March 7, 2022

I really wish we had a second planet – so people who want to fight each other could stay here and ones who would like to live in peace and harmony could go to.

February 27, 2022

It doesn’t follow the same rules as the regular one. Usually – on the contrary. You can share hope (or fear) it’s possible that you won’t lose any and someone would get more than you have.

February 26, 2022

Men without family make the best soldiers and the worst leaders.

January 24, 2022

As much as rationality, intelligence, wisdom, knowledge is the engine of life. Love, hope, and faith are the fuel of that engine.

December 31, 2021

I’m not sure if it’s supposed to be funny, but I didn’t find it funny. Instead, I felt like looking at 2h reminder of how terribly stupid people generally are. Quite depressing to be honest.

October 31, 2021

Some level of TRUST is absolutely required for any kind of non-hostile relationship.

TRUST can have different levels, ranging from very little to nearly absolute.

TRUST needs to be mutual but doesn’t need to be equal both ways.

TRUST is ‘mined’ by getting it from others – from relationships, services, acts of kindness etc. Usually for a good reason.

TRUST is more or less directly connected with the quality of life.

TRUST is nonfungible – as one coming from someone TRUSTed a lot is much more valuable than one coming from someone who’s not trusted.

TRUST is personal – TRUST of person A is not the same as TRUST of person B.

TRUST can be lost/revoked easily. Usually for a good reason.

TRUST can’t be spent – the benefits are coming from accumulating it from others.

October 22, 2021

Finding the optimal form for the function. With the additional score for beauty.

October 19, 2021

I have a hypothesis that maybe the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter used to be a planet that blew up. Maybe proto-humans lived there and for them Mars and Earth was what Mars is for us now – a potential escape place? They could have spaceship/spaceships orbiting the Earth around the equator until they run out of fuel/energy.

I read that some researches claim that it’s impossible, because the total mass of the belt is too little to form a planet. I find it quite ridiculous as I assume that if planet has exploded it could lose majority of it’s mass by:

  • ejecting it into space
  • crushing into sun
  • crushing into Jupiter
  • being anihilated

Because of stress buildup and my constant overthinking of problems we have and may face soon as a species (like using robots and AI on a huge scale and in warfare) while paying way too much attention to petty fights and arguments.

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